Sermons 1976

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The Opening Of The Seven Bowls 12/22/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 12, 13
Sounding Of The Seventh Trumpet 12/15/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 10, 11
Opening The Seventh Seal and The Seven Trumpets 12/08/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 8, 9
Petitions 4, 5, and 6 Of Prayer 11/21/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Matthew 6:9-13 AM Service
Six Petitions Of Prayer 11/14/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Matthew 6:9-13 AM Service
Seven Seals Opening 11/10/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Matthew 24:15-22; Revelation 6
The Opening Of Seven Seals 11/03/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 5
Distractions and Devotions 10/31/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 10:29 AM Service
Do This And You Will Live 10/24/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 10:25-28 AM Service
Throne In Heaven 10/20/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 4:1-11
The Return Of The Seventy 10/17/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 10:17-24 PM Service
The Sending Of The Seventy 10/17/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 10:1-16 AM Service
The Church in Laodicea 10/13/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 3:14-22
The Church In Philadelphia 10/06/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 3:7-13
The Dead Sea Church: Sardis 09/29/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 3:1-6
Pride Before Destruction 09/26/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 9:37-43 PM Service
Help My Unbelief 09/26/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 9:37-43 AM Service
The Compromising Church 09/15/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Revelation 2:12-17
The Generations Of Jacob 07/14/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Genesis 37
Jacob 07/07/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Genesis 28 - 35
Generation Before Noah 06/30/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Genesis 4:16-26
Cain and Abel 06/23/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Genesis 4:1-16
Bible Study 05/05/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Genesis 11:10 - 13:4
The Log In Your Eye 05/02/1976 Pastor Alex Montoya Luke 6:37 AM Service