Children Of The Devil |
01/29/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 3:4-10 |
Unknown Service |
Life In The Early Church |
01/26/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 16 |
PM Service |
Enjoy Your Family |
01/26/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ecclesiastes 9:7-9 |
AM Service |
Christians Do Not Sin |
01/22/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 3:4-10 |
Unknown Service |
Excel Still More |
01/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Thessalonians 4:1-3 |
PM Service |
Enjoy God's Gifts |
01/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ecclesiastes 12:13 |
AM Service |
Enoch Walked With God |
01/15/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 2:28-32 |
Unknown Service |
The Marks Of A Great Leader |
01/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 16:1-16 |
PM Service |
Live With God's Purpose |
01/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ecclesiastes 12:1-15 |
AM Service |
Abide With Christ |
01/08/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 2:28 - 3:3 |
Unknown Service |
Our Ultimate Purpose |
01/05/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ecclesiastes 1:1; 12:13-14 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Confidence With God |
2/26/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 3:19-24 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements of Christ: Statement #3 - "Behold Your Mother/Son" |
2/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 19:25-27 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Do Not Be As Cain |
2/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 3:11-18; Genesis 4:1-16 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Glory and Grace |
2/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 16:25-27 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements of Christ: Statement #2 - "You Will Be In Paradise" |
2/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 23:39-43 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Love Is The Greatest |
2/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Monotya |
1 Corinthians 13 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
An Urgent Warning |
2/9/2014 |
Alex Montoya |
Romans 16:17-20 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements of Christ: Statement #1 - "Father, Forgive Them" |
2/9/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 23:33-37 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Live For True Riches |
2/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ecclesiastes 5 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements Of Christ: Statement #7 - "Father, Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit" |
3/30/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 23:44-49 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Call To Choose Truth |
3/26/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 4:1-6 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Leader's Lead - Part 2 |
3/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 4:6-16 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements Of Christ: Statement #6 - "It Is Finished" |
3/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 19:28-30 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Spiritual Discernment For Holy Living |
3/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 4:1-6 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Leader's Lead - Part 1 |
3/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 4:6-16 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements of Christ: Statement #5 - "I Thirst" |
3/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 19:28-29 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
When Our Hearts Condemn Us |
3/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 3:19-24; Luke 22:31-34, 54-62 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Are You Serving The Only True God? |
3/5/2014 |
Pastor Rene Gonzalez |
Joshua 24:14-24 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
What Is Christian Leadership |
3/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 20:20-28 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Last Statements of Christ: Statement #4 - "Why Have You Forsaken Me?" |
3/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 27:45-49 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Christian's Assurance Of Victory |
4/30/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 5:1-5 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Cure For Unbelief |
4/27/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 24:13-35 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Love Conquers Fear |
4/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 4:7-21 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Good News: Christ Lives! |
4/20/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 24:1-12 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Mark Of A True Christian |
4/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 4:7-16 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Love Of Christ |
4/9/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 4:7-10; John 13:1-17 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Not Many Noble, Yet Some |
4/6/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 23:50-56 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Love Is From God |
4/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 4:7-10 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Assurance Of Holiness |
5/28/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 5:18-21 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Excel In Moral Purity |
5/25/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Assurance Of Intercessory Prayer |
5/21/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 5:14-17 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Flee Fornication |
5/18/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Assurance Of Answered Prayer |
5/14/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 5:14-17 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Despicable Generation |
5/11/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:11-14 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Assurance Of Salvation |
5/7/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 5:1-13 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Effective Witnesses For Christ |
5/4/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 24:36-53 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Character Of A Leader - Personal Discipline |
6/29/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Keep Marriage Honorable |
6/29/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 1:18-32; Hebrews 13:4 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Evaluation From Revelation |
6/25/2014 |
Tobie Mendibles |
Revelation 2 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Mercy Of God |
6/22/2014 |
Frank Rios |
Psalm 107:1-32; 43 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Only One Gate Leads To Heaven |
6/22/2014 |
Pastor Simon Garcia |
Matthew 7:13-14; 21-23 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Motivation To Keep Serving God |
6/18/2014 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
1 Corinthians 15:58 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Call To Be Real Men |
6/15/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 1, 2 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Love Not The World |
6/11/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 John 2:12-17 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
How We Need The Fear Of God |
6/8/2014 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Various |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Leader's Self-Control |
6/1/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3:1-13 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Wine, Whiskey, and Weed |
6/1/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ephesians 5:15-20 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Our Children - Impacting Their World For Christ |
7/30/2014 |
Mr. Frank Rios |
Matthew 5:13-16 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Leadership: The Art Of Delegation |
7/27/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Exodus 18:13-27 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Provoking God's Wrath |
7/27/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 1:18-32 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Response To Trials |
7/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:2-12 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Six Marks Of An IFCA Church |
7/20/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
2 Timothy 4:1-5 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Biblical Illiteracy |
7/20/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Psalm 1:1-6; 2 Timothy 3:14, 4:4 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Dealing With Various Trials - Part 2 |
7/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:2-4 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Honor The Lord's Day |
7/13/2014 |
Pastor Alex Monotya |
Hebrews 10:19-25 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Dealing With Various Trials - Part 1 |
7/9/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:2-12 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The True Christian |
7/6/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43; 1 John |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Various Trials Christians Face - Part 1 |
7/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:2-12 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Leadership: The Art of Delegation - Part 2 |
8/31/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Exodus 18:13-27 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God's Gracious Gifts |
8/31/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Psalm 127, 128 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Overcoming Temptation - Part 1 |
8/27/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:13-15 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
How To Live A Life Of Gladness and Joy |
8/24/2014 |
Dr. Richard Bargas, Jr. |
Psalm 90 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Be Bold for the Gospel |
8/24/2014 |
Dr. Richard Bargas, Jr. |
Acts 5:17-42 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Resisting The Devil |
8/17/2014 |
Pastor Paul Felix |
1 Peter 5:6-9 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
An Introduction To The Miracles Of Christ In The Gospel of John |
8/13/2014 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
John 2:1-11 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Obedience and Trials |
8/10/2014 |
Mr. Luis Cardenas |
James 1:1-18 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Church Of The Deceived |
8/10/2014 |
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia |
1 Samuel 15:10-23 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Useful To The Lord |
8/6/2014 |
Pastor Simon Garcia |
2 Timothy 2:14-26 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Fear Of God In Our Worship |
8/3/2014 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Isaiah 6:1-8 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Art Of Leadership - How To Motivate Others - Part 2 |
9/28/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Nehemiah 1-6 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Goodness Of God |
9/24/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:16-18 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Art Of Leadership - How To Motivate Others - Part 1 |
9/21/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Nehemiah 1 - 3 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Word Became Flesh |
9/21/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:14-18 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Overcoming Temptation - Remedies Against Temptation |
9/17/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:13-15 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Art Of Leadership - How To Motivate |
9/14/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Nehemiah 1 - 2 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Jesus Christ Is God |
9/14/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:1-13 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Overcoming Temptation - Part 3 |
9/10/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:13-15 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Greatest Story Ever Told |
9/7/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 21:24-25 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Overcoming Temptation - Part 2 |
9/3/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:13-15 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Discrimination In The Church - Part 1 |
10/29/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 2:1-13 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
How To Live A "Power Life" |
10/26/2014 |
Pastor Simon Garcia Jr. |
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Lots Of Pressure, Lots Of Prayer |
10/26/2014 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Mark 14:32-42 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Nature Of True Religion |
10/22/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:26-27 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Even Great Churches Have Problems |
10/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 1:4-9 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Whom Christ Saves |
10/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:35-51 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Traits Of The Effective Hearer |
10/15/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:19-25 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Church Matters |
10/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
N/A |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Ultimate Witness |
10/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:29-34 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Avoiding The Danger Of Backsliding |
10/8/2014 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Proverbs 14:14 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Ultimate Disciple |
10/5/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:19-28 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Ineffectual Hearer |
10/1/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 1:19-25 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Christ, The Power Of God |
11/30/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 1:24 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
How Real Is Your Faith? |
11/30/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 2:23-25 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Power Of The Gospel - Part 3 |
11/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Ultimate Miracle |
11/23/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 2:18-24 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Saving Faith Works |
11/19/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 2:14-26 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Power Of The Gospel - Part 2 |
11/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Zeal For God's House |
11/16/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 2:13-22 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Justification By Faith Or Works? |
11/12/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 2:14-26 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Power Of The Gospel - Part 1 |
11/9/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 1:10-25 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Miracle At Cana |
11/9/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 2:1-11 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Discrimination In The Church - Part 2 |
11/5/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 2:1-13 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Why Is The Church Divided? |
11/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 1:10-17 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Help Someone Find Christ |
11/2/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:35-51 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
At The Cross / En La Cruz |
12/31/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
2 Timothy 4:6-8 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Christ's Answer To Skeptics |
12/28/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 3:17-21 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Peace On Earth |
12/25/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 2:8-20 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Greatest Verse In The Bible |
12/21/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 3:16 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Proper use Of The Tongue |
12/17/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 3:1-12; Ephesians 4:25 - 5:4 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Preparing For Miracles |
12/14/2014 |
Mr. Tobie Mendibles |
Luke 1 & 2 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
How To Be Born Again |
12/14/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 3:1-15 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Power Of The Tongue |
12/10/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 3:1-12 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
How To Be Born Again |
12/7/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 3:1-16 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Solemn Exhortation To Teachers |
12/3/2014 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 3:1-12 |
N/A |