Pastoral Staff
Dr. Alex D. Montoya, Senior Pastor
Pastor Montoya has been the senior pastor at FFBC since 1972 and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Latin American History from Biola University in La Mirada, California, and Master in Divinity and Master in Theology degrees from Talbot Theological Seminary, also in La Mirada. On May 11, 2008, in recognition of his long-time work as pastor, author and professor, Pastor Montoya was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Divinity (D.D.) degree by the Masters Seminary.
Pastor Montoya has served as Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministries at The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California and was previously Adjunct Professor of New Testament Languages at Talbot Theological Seminary. He is a member and former Southern California Regional President of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America International (IFCA).
In 1975, Pastor Montoya founded the Seminario Biblico Fundamental, which prepares Spanish-speaking men for the Gospel ministry. He is also author of Hispanic Ministry in North America (Zondervan, 1987) and Preaching with Passion (Kregel, 2000), and has shared his insights on church planting and evangelism to groups in the United States, Russia, Germany, Mexico and others. Pastor Montoya is a regular on-line contributor to Focus on the Family‘s pastoral resource The Focused Pastor.
Pastor Montoya and his wife Favy have adult married children and several grandchildren. On May 10, 2009, Pastor Montoya preached at the inaugural services at FFBC’s new Whittier church, and continues to preach and teach the Word of God to all who thirst for God’s truth.
On October 29, 2022, FFBC celebrated Pastor Montoya and Favy for their 50 years of service at our church. May the Lord bless them (and us) with many more years, according to His will.
Miguel Anaya, Spanish Ministry Pastor
Pastor Anaya has been on staff since 1993 and pastors Primera Iglesia Biblica Fundamental, FFBC’s Spanish language ministry. He also serves as Director of the Seminario Biblico Fundamental. Pastor Anaya attended Western Washington University, the University of Washington and is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary. Pastor Anaya and his wife Darlene were married in 2006.
Simon Garcia, Pastoral Care
Pastor Simon Garcia, a former LAPD chaplain, oversees the pastoral care work at FFBC as well as Witnessing in the Neighborhood (W.I.N.), the church’s evangelism outreach program.
Executive Board
Board of Elders
Our elders oversee spiritual matters in the church such as: pulpit supply, membership oversight, teaching, doctrinal issues, and disciplinary matters (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). Except for the Ruling Elder (Senior Pastor), elders serve a two-year term of office.
Elder Board (term of office)
Rick Fischer (2024-25) – Chairman
Nelson Gonzalez (2024-25)
Joey Lopez (2024-25)
Rev. Alex Montoya *
Frank Rios (2025-26)
Paul Roa (2024-25)
Arturo Salazar (2024-25) – Secretary
* Per FFBC Bylaws, as the Ruling Elder, Pastor Montoya serves as President of the church corporation and Chairman of the Executive Board for an indefinite term.
Board of Deacons
Our deacons oversee a wide range of physical and secular matters of the church, including (but not limited to): collecting offerings, disbursements, security, ushers, special assistance, building repairs, yard maintenance, and baptism & communion preparation (1 Timothy 3:8-13). Deacons serve a two-year term of office.
Deacon Board (term of office)
Richard Ayala (2025-26)
Jesse Espinosa (2024-25) – Secretary ***
Daniel Gutierrez (2025-26)
Ernie Morelos Jr (2024-25) – Treasurer **
David Saavedra (2024-25) – Vice Chairman
Carlos Soto (2025-26)
James Starr (2025-26)
Vincent Trujillo (2024-25)
Ernie Vela Jr (2024-25) – Chairman
** Per FFBC Bylaws, the Treasurer serves as Chief Financial Officer of the church corporation.
*** Per FFBC Bylaws, the Deacon Secretary serves as Secretary of the church corporation and of the Executive Board.