Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF)

FFBC offers a full Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) program for believers of all ages.  Our classes provide much needed bible study, fellowship and encouragement, and also help our congregation to be accountable to their peers. These groups also meet separately for social activities and events. Contact the respective ABF teacher for more information.

In the first quarter of 2025, January to March, ABF classes will study selected the Old testament books of Ruth and 1st & 2nd Samuel..

NOTE: Single digit and “lettered” classrooms are located in or near courtyard area.  Fireside Room, Herrera Hall and all other classrooms are located in main church building.

All Classes held on Sunday
Fellowship Description
Teacher Time Location
The Bereans Single adults over 35 Elder Joey Lopez 9:00 AMFireside Room
Young Christian Families (YCF) Married parents of school-aged children and teens Elder Arturo Salazar 9:00 AMRoom 1 Courtyard
Agape (Singles) Single adults: mid-20's to mid-30's Mr. Tobie Mendibles 9:00 AMRoom 3 Courtyard
Membership Class 12-week class on FFBC doctrine/articles of faith and organization; pre-requisite to church membership Mr. Ron Ochoa
Mr. Greg Zuniga
9:00 AM206
Young Single Adults (YSA) College & Career single adults ages 18 to 24 Elder Frank Rios
10:30 AM213
Koinonia Adult Bible Class Elder Nelson Gonzalez 10:30 AMRoom 1 Courtyard
Women of Grace For ladies only Mrs. Rita Galvan 10:30 AMRoom B Courtyard
New Life in Christ (NLIC) Instruction and preparation for water baptism for new believers Deacon Richard Ayala
Deacon Daniel Gutierrez
10:30 AM207
Young Christian Couples (YCC) Newlyweds and married parents of pre-school children Elder Rick Fischer 10:30 AMRoom K Courtyard
Pathfinders Senior Adults Pastor Simon Garcia 10:30 AMHerrera Hall
Membership Class 12-week class on FFBC doctrine and Articles of Faith and Organization. Pre-requisite to church membership. Mr. Ron Ochoa
Mr. Greg Zuniga
6:00 PMHerrera Hall
Clase Descripción Maestro Hora Ubicación
Estudio Biblico (en Español) Clase de adultos en Español Hno. Frank Vasquez 9:00 AMSalon D
Estudio de Matrimonios (en Español) Clase de personas casadas Hno. Filiberto Rodriguez 9:00 AMSalon 213
Clase de Miembresia Clase de miembresia en Español durando 12 semanas; necesario para miembresia de la iglesia 9:00 AMSalon 107
Nueva Vida en Christo Instruccion y preparacion de bautismo para nuevos creyentes 10:30 AMSalon 107