
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  – 2 Cor. 9:7

Tithes & Offerings - General Fund

General fund donations are used for general church operating expenses approved by church members.

Torres Scholarship Fund

Donations to the Torres Scholarship fund are used to support men training for full-time ministry.

Building Fund

Donations to the Building Fund are used for church building and property improvements.

Seminario Biblico Fundamental

Donations to the Seminario Biblico Fundamental are used to offset operating costs for our church-sponsored seminary.

NOTES: Amounts donated via PayPal are NOT reflected on you annual contribution statement from First Fundamental Bible Church. Please reference your receipt from Paypal for tax purposes.

Be advised that donations made through PayPal are subject to a 2% to 3% fee that is deducted by PayPal from your donation.