Play/Download |
The Moral Decay |
1/30/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:11-14 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Practice Of Religion |
1/30/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:1-4 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Introduction to Matthew 26 - 28 |
1/26/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Matthew 26:1-5 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Love Your Enemies |
1/23/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 5:43-48 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Living By Faith in 2022 |
1/19/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Various |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Dealing With Prosperity |
1/16/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:1-6 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
No Revenge Allowed |
1/16/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 5:38-42; Matthew 19:4-6 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Some Thoughts On The Subject of JOY |
1/12/2022 |
Mr. Tobie Mendibles |
Luke 2:8-10 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Supremacy of Scripture |
1/9/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:1-6 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Christian Ethics |
1/9/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 5:33-36 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Running and Finishing The Race That Is Set Before Us |
1/5/2022 |
Pastor Simon Garcia, Jr. |
2 Timothy 4:1-8 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Psalm 23 |
1/2/2022 |
Mr. Tobie Mendibles |
Psalm 23 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
When A Society Abandons God |
1/2/2022 |
Pastor Simon Garcia, Jr. |
Jeremiah 5:22-24 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Lord's Prayer, Part 2 |
2/27/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:8-15 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Monster We Can Become |
2/20/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:21-23 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Lord's Prayer, Part 1 |
2/20/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:9-15 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Mystery of Iniquity |
2/13/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:18-20 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Effective Prayer - Part 2 |
2/13/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
James 4:2-3; Matthew 6:5-18 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Overcoming Life's Addictions |
2/6/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:15-16 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Effective Prayer - Part 1 |
2/6/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:5-15 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Extravagant Worship |
2/2/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Matthew 26:6-13 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
A Case for Abstinance |
3/27/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 31:1-9 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God or Mammon - Part 2 |
3/27/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:19-24 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Maximize Your Assets |
3/20/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 30:29-33 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God or Mammon - Part 1 |
3/20/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:19-24 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Preparing For The Battle |
3/16/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Matthew 26:36-46 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
A Psalm, a Song For The Sabbath Day |
3/13/2022 |
Pastor Premend Choy |
Psalm 92 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Making The Most Of The Time God Has Given You |
3/9/2022 |
Pastor Simon Garcia, Jr. |
Ephesians 5:15-17 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Pursue True Treasures |
3/6/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:19-24 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Benefits of Belonging To Christ's Church |
4/24/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Acts 2:37-47 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God's Cure For Anxiety - Part 1 |
4/24/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 6:25-34 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Victory In Christ's Resurrection |
4/17/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Corinthians 15:50-58 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
A Renewed Call To Ministry |
4/10/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Peter 4:10-11 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
A Grateful Heart |
4/3/2022 |
Mr. Frank Rios |
Psalm 116 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Importance Of In-Person Worship |
4/3/2022 |
Pastor Simon Garcia, Jr. |
Hebrews 10:24-25 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Righteous Judgment - Part 1 |
5/29/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:1-6 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Man - Part 3 -- A Courageous Man |
5/22/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Importance Of In-Person Worship |
5/22/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Hebrews 10:19-25 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Man - Part 2 -- A Responsible Man |
5/15/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God's Cure For Anxiety - Part 3 |
5/15/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Peter 5:5-7 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Bless Your Mother |
5/8/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 31:28-31 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Man - Part 1 -- A Man of God |
5/1/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God's Cure For Anxiety - Part 2 |
5/1/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Philippians 4:4-9 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Unthankfulness |
6/29/2022 |
Mr. Art Salazar |
Ephesians 5:20; Luke 17:11-19 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Man - Part 5 -- A Man of Integrity, Part 2 |
6/26/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 2, 31 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Spiritual Discernment - Part 2 |
6/26/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:6 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Anxiety and Frustration |
6/22/2022 |
Mr. Tobie Mendibles |
Various |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Model Father |
6/19/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 1-2 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Ungodliness - The Root of Sin |
6/15/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Various |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Spiritual Discernment - Part 1 |
6/12/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:6 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Man - Part 4 -- A Man of Integrity |
6/5/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Job 31 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Righteous Judgment - Part 2 |
6/5/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:1-5; Romans 14:1-23 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Woman - Part 2 |
7/31/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 31:10-31 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Choose The Right Foundation |
7/31/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:13-27 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Impatience and Irritability |
7/27/2022 |
Mr. Daniel Sanchez |
1 Corinthians 10:12-14; Ephesians 4:1-3 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
God Is Good All The Time - Dios Es Bueno, Todo El Tiempo |
7/24/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Psalm 81 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Choose The Right Way Of Life |
7/24/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:13-23 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Pride |
7/20/2022 |
Mr. James Starr |
Various |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Excellent Woman |
7/17/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Proverbs 31:10-31 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Choose The Right Belief |
7/17/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:13-20; 28-29 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Our Need For Self-Control |
7/13/2022 |
Mr. Joey Lopez |
Proverbs 25:28; 1 Kings 11:1-4 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Blessings of Wisdom |
7/10/2022 |
Dr. Alex Granados |
Proverbs 20:6-7 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Choose The Right Gate |
7/10/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:13-27 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: The Cure In Dealing With Sins: Personal Purity and Personal Holiness |
7/6/2022 |
Pastor Simon Garcia |
Matthew 5:1-16 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Two Rules For Life |
7/3/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 7:7-12 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: The Disappearance of Sin |
8/31/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Romans 7:7-13 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Discipline Isn't A Bad Word |
8/28/2022 |
Mr. Tobie Mendibles |
Matthew 18:15-17 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
I Am The Light Of The World |
8/28/2022 |
Pastor Ed Caballero |
John 8:12 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Discontentment |
8/24/2022 |
Mr. Frank Rios |
Exodus 16:1-15 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
The Sufficiency of God and Scripture |
8/21/2022 |
Pastor Ignacio Chavez |
Isaiah 40:12 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Word Of God In The Child Of God |
8/21/2022 |
Pastor Kimpiz Hernandez |
James 1:19-25 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Envy and Jealousy |
8/17/2022 |
Mr. Rick Fischer |
Various |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Wait Upon The Lord |
8/14/2022 |
Mr. Frank Rios |
Isaiah 40 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
The Lord's Servant and Our Messiah |
8/14/2022 |
Mr. Michael Cohen |
Isaiah 53 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins_ Worldliness |
8/10/2022 |
Mr. Ernie Morelos, Sr. |
1 John 2:15-16; 1 Corinthians 7:31 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Whose Children Are They |
8/7/2022 |
Pastor Martin Chavez |
Ephesians 6:4 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
When A Society Abandons God - Part 2 |
8/7/2022 |
Pastor Simon Garcia, Jr. |
Romans 1:18-20; Jeremiah 5:22-24 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Respectable Sins: Anger |
8/3/2022 |
Mr. Nelson Gonzalez |
Various |
N/A |
Play/Download |
What Are You Doing In A Cave |
9/28/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
1 Kings 19:1-18 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Moses on Leadership - Part 4 -- The Fall and Restoration of a Leader |
9/25/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Numbers 2:1-13 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Moses on Leadership - Part 3 -- Why Great Leaders Succeed |
9/18/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Exodus 18 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Drinking, Drugs, and Dancing - Part 1 |
9/18/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 13:11-14 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Trusting God With Your Children's Future |
9/14/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Genesis 25:19-34 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Moses on Leadership - Part 2 -- The Marks Of A Great Leader |
9/11/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Exodus 1 - 2 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Every Parents Resolution |
9/11/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Joshua 24:14-31 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Introduction To The Study of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph |
9/7/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Hebrews 11:20-22 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Moses on Leadership - Part 1 -- The Making Of A Great Leader |
9/4/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Exodus 1 - 2 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Every Parents Priority |
9/4/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Martin Luther and Reformation Sunday |
10/30/2022 |
Dr. Richard Bargas |
Psalm 46 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Heirs Of The Reformation |
10/30/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Romans 1:16-17 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Pardon Of A Man of God - Part 2 |
10/26/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
2 Samuel 12:1-14 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Paul On Biblical Leadership: The Qualifications Of A Biblical Leader - Part 1 |
10/23/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
What Is A Good Confession? |
10/23/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Acts 20:17-38 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Pardon Of A Man of God - Part 1 |
10/19/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
2 Samuel 11 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Paul On Biblical Leadership - An Introduction |
10/16/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Acts 20:17-38 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Grieve Not The Spirit |
10/16/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Ephesians 4:17-32 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Trusting God For The Future Of Our Nation |
10/12/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
1 Kings 21:25-29 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Nehemiah On Leadership - Motivation Part 2 |
10/9/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Nehemiah 5 - 6 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice |
10/9/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Samuel 15:10-34 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
How An Evil Man Was Forgiven |
10/5/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
1 Kings 21:25-29 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Nehemiah On Leadership - Motivation |
10/2/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Nehemiah 1 - 4 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
God Is Not Mocked |
10/2/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Galatians 6:6-10 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
God Meant It For Good_ In Jail, But Free |
11/30/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Genesis 39:1-18 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Paul On Biblical Leadership - The Leader's Personal Piety |
11/27/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Back To The Bible - Part 3 - Believe In Reading The Bible |
11/27/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Matthew 4:4; Psalm 1; Joshua 1; 1 Timothy 4:13; Revelation 1:3 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
Thanksgiving Day Service |
11/24/2022 |
Psalm 119:169-176; Hebrews 13:15-16 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Paul On Biblical Leadership - The Leader's Treatment of Others |
11/20/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Back To The Bible - Part 2 - Believe The Bible Is Beneficial |
11/20/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Psalm 1;Joshua 1; 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy 3:15-17 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
God Meant It For Good_ Facing Temptation |
11/16/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Genesis 39:1-18 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Paul On Biblical Leadership - The Leader's Personal Discipline |
11/13/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Back To The Bible - Part 2 - Believe The Bible Is Beneficial |
11/13/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Psalm 1;Joshua 1; 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy 3:15-17 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
God Meant It For Good: An Introduction To The Life Of Joseph |
11/9/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Genesis 37:1-14 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Paul On Biblical Leadership - The Leader's Family |
11/6/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Back To The Bible - Part 1 - Believe The Bible Is God's Word |
11/6/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
The Restoration Of A Man Of God |
11/2/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
2 Samuel 12:13-25 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Christmas Service - The World Saw God |
12/25/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
John 1:1-18 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Hope For A Perverted World - Part 3_ A Zealous Church |
12/18/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Acts 2:40; Philippians 2:14-16; Revelation 3:14-22 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
God Meant It For Good_ The Gift of Forgetting |
12/14/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Genesis 41:50-52 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Peter On Leadership - Part 2 - Advice to Leaders |
12/11/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
1 Peter 5:1-4 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Hope For A Perverted World - Part 2_ An Uncompromising Church |
12/11/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Philippians 2:12-16; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; 6:1-4; 6:14-7:1 |
AM Service |
Play/Download |
God Meant It For Good_ From Prison To The Palace |
12/7/2022 |
Pastor Miguel Anaya |
Genesis 41 |
N/A |
Play/Download |
Peter On Leadership - Part 1: Surviving Trials |
12/4/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Luke 22:31-62; John 21:15-23 |
PM Service |
Play/Download |
Hope For A Perverted World - Part 1: An Evangelistic Church |
12/4/2022 |
Pastor Alex Montoya |
Jonah 1 - 4 |
AM Service |